
@param worksheet pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param row The zero indexed row number. @param col The zero indexed column number. @param url The url to write to the cell. @param format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL.

@return A #lxw_error code.

extern (C)

Detailed Description

The %worksheet_write_url() function is used to write a URL/hyperlink to a worksheet cell specified by row and column.

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "", url_format); @endcode

@image html hyperlinks_short.png

The format parameter is used to apply formatting to the cell. This parameter can be NULL to indicate no formatting or it can be a @ref format.h "Format" object. The typical worksheet format for a hyperlink is a blue underline:

@code lxw_format *url_format = workbook_add_format(workbook);

format_set_underline (url_format, LXW_UNDERLINE_SINGLE); format_set_font_color(url_format, LXW_COLOR_BLUE);


The usual web style URI's are supported: %http://, %https://, %ftp:// and mailto: :

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 1, 0, "", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 2, 0, "", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 3, 0, "", url_format);


An Excel hyperlink is comprised of two elements: the displayed string and the non-displayed link. By default the displayed string is the same as the link. However, it is possible to overwrite it with any other libxlsxwriter type using the appropriate worksheet_write_*() function. The most common case is to overwrite the displayed link text with another string:

@code // Write a hyperlink but overwrite the displayed string. worksheet_write_url (worksheet, 2, 0, "", url_format); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 2, 0, "Read the documentation.", url_format);


@image html hyperlinks_short2.png

Two local URIs are supported: internal: and external:. These are used for hyperlinks to internal worksheet references or external workbook and worksheet references:

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "internal:Sheet2!A1", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 1, 0, "internal:Sheet2!B2", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 2, 0, "internal:Sheet2!A1:B2", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 3, 0, "internal:'Sales Data'!A1", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 4, 0, "external:c:\\temp\\foo.xlsx", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 5, 0, "external:c:\\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 6, 0, "external:..\\foo.xlsx", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 7, 0, "external:..\\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 8, 0, "external:\\\\NET\\share\\foo.xlsx", url_format);


Worksheet references are typically of the form Sheet1!A1. You can also link to a worksheet range using the standard Excel notation: Sheet1!A1:B2.

In external links the workbook and worksheet name must be separated by the # character:

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "external:c:\\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1", url_format); @endcode

You can also link to a named range in the target worksheet: For example say you have a named range called my_name in the workbook c:\temp\foo.xlsx you could link to it as follows:

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "external:c:\\temp\\foo.xlsx#my_name", url_format);


Excel requires that worksheet names containing spaces or non alphanumeric characters are single quoted as follows:

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "internal:'Sales Data'!A1", url_format); @endcode

Links to network files are also supported. Network files normally begin with two back slashes as follows \\NETWORK\etc. In order to represent this in a C string literal the backslashes should be escaped: @code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "external:\\\\NET\\share\\foo.xlsx", url_format); @endcode

Alternatively, you can use Windows style forward slashes. These are translated internally to backslashes:

@code worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 0, 0, "external:c:/temp/foo.xlsx", url_format); worksheet_write_url(worksheet, 1, 0, "external://NET/share/foo.xlsx", url_format);



libxlsxwriter will escape the following characters in URLs as required by Excel: \s " < > \ [ ] ^ { } unless the URL already contains %%xx style escapes. In which case it is assumed that the URL was escaped correctly by the user and will by passed directly to Excel.
