
@brief Split and freeze a worksheet into panes.

@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param row The cell row (zero indexed). @param col The cell column (zero indexed).

The %worksheet_freeze_panes() function can be used to divide a worksheet into horizontal or vertical regions known as panes and to "freeze" these panes so that the splitter bars are not visible.

The parameters row and col are used to specify the location of the split. It should be noted that the split is specified at the top or left of a cell and that the function uses zero based indexing. Therefore to freeze the first row of a worksheet it is necessary to specify the split at row 2 (which is 1 as the zero-based index).

You can set one of the row and col parameters as zero if you do not want either a vertical or horizontal split.

extern (C)


@code worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet1, 1, 0); // Freeze the first row. worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet2, 0, 1); // Freeze the first column. worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet3, 1, 1); // Freeze first row/column.

