@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
@param first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.)
@param first_col The first column of the range.
@param last_row The last row of the range.
@param last_col The last col of the range.
@return A #lxw_error code.
The %worksheet_autofilter() function allows an autofilter to be added to
a worksheet.
An autofilter is a way of adding drop down lists to the headers of a 2D
range of worksheet data. This allows users to filter the data based on
simple criteria so that some data is shown and some is hidden.
@brief Set the autofilter area in the worksheet.
@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param first_row The first row of the range. (All zero indexed.) @param first_col The first column of the range. @param last_row The last row of the range. @param last_col The last col of the range.
@return A #lxw_error code.
The %worksheet_autofilter() function allows an autofilter to be added to a worksheet.
An autofilter is a way of adding drop down lists to the headers of a 2D range of worksheet data. This allows users to filter the data based on simple criteria so that some data is shown and some is hidden.
@image html autofilter.png
To add an autofilter to a worksheet:
@code worksheet_autofilter(worksheet, 0, 0, 50, 3);
// Same as above using the RANGE() macro. worksheet_autofilter(worksheet, RANGE("A1:D51")); @endcode
Note: it isn't currently possible to apply filter conditions to the autofilter.