@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated.
@param height Default row height.
@param hide_unused_rows Hide unused cells.
The %worksheet_set_default_row() function is used to set Excel default
row properties such as the default height and the option to hide unused
rows. These parameters are an optimization used by Excel to set row
properties without generating a very large file with an entry for each row.
@brief Set the default row properties.
@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param height Default row height. @param hide_unused_rows Hide unused cells.
The %worksheet_set_default_row() function is used to set Excel default row properties such as the default height and the option to hide unused rows. These parameters are an optimization used by Excel to set row properties without generating a very large file with an entry for each row.
To set the default row height:
@code worksheet_set_default_row(worksheet, 24, LXW_FALSE);
To hide unused rows:
@code worksheet_set_default_row(worksheet, 15, LXW_TRUE); @endcode
Note, in the previous case we use the default height #LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT = 15 so the the height remains unchanged.