
@brief Insert an image in a worksheet cell, with options.

@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param row The zero indexed row number. @param col The zero indexed column number. @param filename The image filename, with path if required. @param options Optional image parameters.

@return A #lxw_error code.

The %worksheet_insert_image_opt() function is like worksheet_insert_image() function except that it takes an optional #lxw_image_options struct to scale and position the image:

@code lxw_image_options options = {.x_offset = 30, .y_offset = 10, .x_scale = 0.5, .y_scale = 0.5};

worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, 2, 1, "logo.png", &options);


@image html insert_image_opt.png

@note See the notes about row scaling and BMP images in worksheet_insert_image() above.

extern (C)
