
@brief Set the properties for a row of cells.

@param worksheet Pointer to a lxw_worksheet instance to be updated. @param row The zero indexed row number. @param height The row height. @param format A pointer to a Format instance or NULL. @param options Optional row parameters: hidden, level, collapsed.

The %worksheet_set_row_opt() function is the same as worksheet_set_row() with an additional options parameter.

The options parameter is a #lxw_row_col_options struct. It has the following members but currently only the hidden property is supported:

- hidden - level - collapsed

The "hidden" option is used to hide a row. This can be used, for example, to hide intermediary steps in a complicated calculation:

@code lxw_row_col_options options = {.hidden = 1, .level = 0, .collapsed = 0};

// Hide the fourth row. worksheet_set_row(worksheet, 3, 20, NULL, &options); @endcode
