
@brief Set the pattern background color for a cell.

@param format Pointer to a Format instance. @param color The cell pattern background color.

The format_set_bg_color() method can be used to set the background color of a pattern. Patterns are defined via the format_set_pattern() method. If a pattern hasn't been defined then a solid fill pattern is used as the default.

Here is an example of how to set up a solid fill in a cell:

@code format = workbook_add_format(workbook);

format_set_pattern (format, LXW_PATTERN_SOLID); format_set_bg_color(format, LXW_COLOR_GREEN);

worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Ray", format); @endcode

@image html formats_set_bg_color.png

The color should be an RGB integer value, see @ref working_with_colors.

extern (C)
