
@brief Set the alignment for data in the cell.

@param format Pointer to a Format instance. @param alignment The horizontal and or vertical alignment direction.

This method is used to set the horizontal and vertical text alignment within a cell. The following are the available horizontal alignments:


The following are the available vertical alignments:


As in Excel, vertical and horizontal alignments can be combined:

@code format = workbook_add_format(workbook);

format_set_align(format, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER); format_set_align(format, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);

worksheet_set_row(0, 30); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Some Text", format); @endcode

@image html format_font_align.png

Text can be aligned across two or more adjacent cells using the center_across property. However, for genuine merged cells it is better to use the worksheet_merge_range() worksheet method.

The vertical justify option can be used to provide automatic text wrapping in a cell. The height of the cell will be adjusted to accommodate the wrapped text. To specify where the text wraps use the format_set_text_wrap() method.

extern (C)
