
@brief Set the chart style type.

@param chart Pointer to a lxw_chart instance to be configured. @param style_id An index representing the chart style, 1 - 48.

The %chart_set_style() function is used to set the style of the chart to one of the 48 built-in styles available on the "Design" tab in Excel 2007:

@code chart_set_style(chart, 37) @endcode

@image html chart_style.png

The style index number is counted from 1 on the top left in the Excel dialog. The default style is 2.


In Excel 2013 the Styles section of the "Design" tab in Excel shows what were referred to as "Layouts" in previous versions of Excel. These layouts are not defined in the file format. They are a collection of modifications to the base chart type. They can not be defined by the chart_set_style()` function.

extern (C)
